Hi Everyone!
I'm excited to finally start blogging officially - My friends are constantly asking me for my advice & opinions, and I am oftentimes asked why I do not have a blog. After all, it is pretty common knowledge around town that I'm
quite opinionated and
am not afraid to speak my mind, so I will make it my goal here to share my knowledge and tips with my beloved readers.
A little about me: I am 23 years old, and have been fascinated by makeup since I was a little girl. I was always amazed by how cosmetics can change a person - not just physically, but also mentally. There is a certain confidence that a woman exudes when she puts on her Chanel lipstick or a pair of false eyelashes that is indescribable ...
and actually pretty magical.
As a child, I was not allowed to wear makeup - blame it on my traditional, wonderful Asian mother. As a result of this, I used to take my sister's old MAC eyeliners and hide them in my backpack. Once I got to school, I would apply it before homeroom in high school. My first "luxury" cosmetic product? A
Lancome Juicy Tube in Bolole, a delicate, juicy red with gold flecks.
Fast forward several years and I am now a self-employed freelance makeup artist, as well as a freelance makeup artist for Chanel. From 9-5, I work in a corporate marketing company within the beauty industry. I am so blessed to be working in the industry that I am so passionate about every day (
literally --
Weekends? What're those?) and this blog will be my outlet to express my thoughts & share my product knowledge.